Welcome to David Gormley-O'Brien's website
Nihil Alienum is the platform for my books and research into the history of ideas and events. The north African playwright, Terence, who flourished in the second century before the Common Era, coined the famous expression, Ego homo: humani nil a me alienum puto ('I am human and I regard nothing that is human to be outside of my interest'). In the context of the original play (Heauton Timoroumenos 77), these are the words of an old man who has a habit of sticking his nose into other people's business. I, following many others throughout history, apply this expression to the unlimited range of topics pertaining to humans that I am prepared to explore in my historical novels. There may be a hint of Terence's original intent too :)
My first historical novel - An Attractive Naivety - was published in July 2024 and is now available in paperback from me directly and at various bookshops, as well as in Kindle format on Amazon (see https://nihilalienum.au/an-attractive-naivety for more information).
David Gormley-O'Brien